binary agents are chemicals which are harmless in isolation but become lethal when they are brought together
バイナリー薬品は単独で用いれば無害だが, 共用すると死をもたらす化学薬品だ
chemicals known to be harmless
: 無害{むがい}であることが分かっている化学物質{かがく ぶっしつ}
when everybody is together in the evening
: 夕方みんながそろっているときに
become massed together
: 凝集{ぎょうしゅう}する
become firm when cold
: 冷めると堅くなる
while it may be fate that has brought someone together
: (人)を引き合わせたのは運命{うんめい}[宿命{しゅくめい}?巡り合わせ]かもしれないが
bond which tie a and b together
: A と Bの[をつなぐ]きずな◆通例 bonds ~
fall in love when they are working together at
: 共に~で働いている時に恋に落ちる
: harmless adj. 無害な. 【副詞】 perfectly harmless まったく無害な Some snakes are utterly harmless. ヘビにはまったく無害なものがある. 【+前置詞】 drugs that are harmless in themselves それ自体無害な薬 products that
rate at which drugs become inactivated
: 薬物{やくぶつ}が不活性化{ふ かっせいか}される速さ
when you become aware of a stranger
: 見知らぬ[知らない]人がいるのに気付いたときは
go against the teaching with which one has been brought up
: 自分{じぶん}が成長{せいちょう}する過程{かてい}で受けてきた教えに背く
have a harmful effect when eaten together
: 食い合わせが悪い
have a pleasing appearance when used together
: 一緒{いっしょ}に使うと見栄えが良い
time when they are all free to play together
: 共通の遊び時間
reveal which part of the brain is most active when
: ~の時に脳のどの部分{ぶぶん}が最も活性化{かっせいか}されているかを明らかにする
"binary" 意味
"binary (numeration)system" 意味
"binary acid" 意味
"binary adder" 意味
"binary address" 意味
"binary alloy" 意味
"binary arithmetic" 意味
"binary arithmetic operation" 意味
"binary azeotrope" 意味
"binary adder" 意味
"binary address" 意味
"binary alloy" 意味
"binary arithmetic" 意味
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